Privacy Policy

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Data Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy applies to all visits to our websites and any communication with SpeechTTS.
The controller for your personal data is SpeechTTS (hereafter referred to as “SpeechTTS”).


  • We very much respect your privacy.
  • If you didn’t opt in for cloud storage (if you didn’t sign-in, then you didn’t) - then all your text doesn’t even leav your device. We don’t upload it to anywhere, we don’t have access to it.
  • If you did sign in, and chose to cloud-sync your text, then it is being stored on Google’s Firebase database service, following their best practices to secure your data privately. No other users can access your data.

  • Use of personal data

    Below follows a description of the personal data SpeechTTS uses, for what purposes and the lawful basis.
    Website visits and requests
    • If as a website visitor you request certain information on our products or services, through our website, we use your name, address, phone number and e-mail address to communicate with you and to comply with your request.
    • Our websites make use of cookies for functional reasons. Please refer to our cookie statement for further information.
    Ordering our products
    • If you order our products, we register your name, address, email address, phone number, to process your order and handle payment, to communicate with you and to provide customer service.
  • If you subscribe via the SpeechTTS contact form, we will use your email address to send you information on SpeechTTS products and services. In case you do not wish to receive any more information by e-mail, you can unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each mail or by sending an email to [email protected].
  • We may also send you information on our products and services by ordinary mail. If you do not wish to receive information from us, please send an email to [email protected].

  • Legal ground

    The most important legal ground for processing your data is that this is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and SpeechTTS, for instance if you request certain information or buy one of our products. We may also process your data in order to comply with legal obligations, such as fiscal and tax law. In certain case the processing is based on your permission, for instance when you have indicated a specific product interest on our website.

    3. Use of personal data by third parties

    SpeechTTS does not share your data with third parties, unless:
  • You have given us your permission;
  • There is a legal obligation to do so;
  • When we act on your request or carry out your order with other SpeechTTS affiliates;
  • In the event of a merger with or acquisition of SpeechTTS or (part of) its assets by a third party;
  • Parties act for SpeechTTS as a processor on our behalf.

  • Transfer of data outside the European Union (EU)

    In the light of the above-mentioned purposes of the processing of data by SpeechTTS, your personal data may be transferred to HubSpot who processes data on our behalf in the United States of America. The United States of America are not considered to provide the same level of protection of personal data as the EU Regulation on the protection of Personal Data. However, we have entered into a data processor agreement with HubSpot that include the EU standard contractual clauses for processors and as a result your data are nevertheless sufficiently protected. A copy of these clauses may be obtained by sending a request to [email protected].

    Merger or acquisition

    SpeechTTS may transfer its enterprise or the whole or part of its assets to a third party. In that case your personal data shall also be transferred to that party. We shall inform you hereof in a timely manner. In case you do not wish to use our services anymore, you may request us to remove your data.

    Storage period

    Personal data will not be kept by us any longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected or processed further. All personal data will be stored no longer than required by the GDPR and national regulations such as financial and tax obligations. This includes ordering, financial and contact data.


    You have the right to inspect your data and to request to correct, restrict, block or remove them. You also have the right to request to obtain a machine-readable subset of your data to store it elsewhere. Where the processing of your personal data is based on your permission, you are at all times entitled to withdraw your permission.


    You can contact us via the Support Request menu on our website.
    Requests to exercise the above rights may be submitted by sending an e-mail to our Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer for SpeechTTS may be contacted at [email protected].
    You may also at all times file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

    Changes to this policy

    SpeechTTS reserves the right to change this policy. Make sure you are always familiar with the latest version of this policy posted here. We will inform you of important changes in a timely manner.